Book Recommendations 2015-2019

I shared this on my Instagram, but then realized I have several readers who are not on social media. In case you don’t know, I have a yearly book reading challenge with my Nana. I thought I’d take a moment to reflect on some of the most enjoyable reads since we started our challenge 5 years ago. Just an FYI, I read pretty much anything from fiction to non-fiction and everything in between. I think reading plays a huge role in how I view and interact with the world at large and want to share some of my favorite books with you in case you are looking for something good to read, or agree (or disagree) on some of these selections.

In case you were wondering, here are my reading goals and track record since the challenge began:

2015: 27/25 books read

2016: 31/30 books read

2017: 39/33 books read

2018: 52/40 books read

2019: 58/50 books read

Total: 207/178

I am totally shocked and impressed by my own reading abilities. in 5 years, I more than doubled my yearly reading.

Anyways, I’ve read some fantastic books over the years and thought I’d share my favorites here. I will move backwards in time with my selections and I’m not posting any reviews, but drop a comment at the bottom. I love talking about books.